This past weekend, ‘THE GENIUS CLUB’ (‘Duela De Genios’) was the #2 independent film in Mexico City (Sept 21-23) and #5 overall (out of 40 movies). Only ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’, ‘Resident Evil’, and ‘Underdog’ beat us. The film was in the 16 biggest theaters throughout Mexico City (Population: 22 million).

It caught the distributor, Cien Films, completely off guard.

The toughest film critics gave ‘THE GENIUS CLUB’ a thumbs up, with Milenio newspaper giving ‘The Genius Club’ 4.5 out of 5 stars. This is the same paper that has done no-holds bar critiques on Alfonso Cuarón (“The Children of Men”), Alejandro Iñárritu (“Babel”), and Guillermo del Toro’s (Pan Labyrtinth) movies.

At the screenings, people were seen literally weeping as they came out. It was infectious. Countless people approached us after our screenings to say how they cried and how much the film made them think about their lives, death, and God.

May the Lord bless each of you mightily as he us.